Troy Goode

MVC Membership - Preview 5

This post is out of date. Please reference this project's GitHub page for the latest code.

Last weekend I posted a release of the MVC Membership Starter Kit that targets Preview 5 of the ASP.Net MVC framework. There was no packaged release targeting Preview 4 (though if you downloaded the latest source, it worked), so this release essentially packages the changes from both previews.

Why does the MVC Membership Starter Kit still exist?

The biggest change affecting the MVC Membership Starter Kit is that the default ASP.Net MVC Web Application project includes login/logout, register, and change password functionality as of Preview 4. This is great and I'm glad to see them do it. It is my hope they will eventually include membership administration functionality as well. For now, however, they haven't included it. This leaves three main features that are now driving the existence of this project:

What has changed?


You can download the Preview 5 release of the MVC Membership Starter Kit from CodePlex: