Troy Goode

Return of the PagedList

I recommend grabbing the latest code from NuGet or directly from the project's site on GitHub. The CodePlex project is no longer maintained.

It has been nearly a year since I posted an updated version of the PagedList<T> functionality originally created by Scott Guthrie and posted by Rob Conery. Since then I have used the class in a number of projects and find it indispensable.

A few days ago, Craig Stuntz reported an interesting observation: when the first page is returned, the class performs a Skip(0). Suprisingly, this is not free. With that in mind, I set out to correct that issue as well as incorporate a few changes I've made over the past year. The result is nearly identical to the last posted version, just a bit more readable. Additionally...

  • The source is now available on CodePlex: This should make finding and downloading the code easier than finding the correct blog entry on some dude's blog.
  • I have posted a release-compiled, XML commented, signed assembly on CodePlex. I got tired of having to copy the source into multiple projects and finding a place to put it in that project's taxonomy.
  • Further incremental changes can be found in the Change Log on the CodePlex project site.